One in/one out rule. If you bring something new home, it's time to get rid of something old or that you don't use anymore. Buy a sweater, get rid of a sweater. Your child gets a new toy, they choose a toy they no longer play with to give away, etc. This helps keep you from having too much stuff!
Learn to say no. When someone offers you something, think carefully about where it will go in your home. What room? Will it fit? Will you use it?
Regularly purge. If you don't take the time to sort through what is no longer necessary or needed, you will find yourself overwhelmed with too many belongings. Keeps liquidating a more manageable chore.
Everything has a place. The key to an organized home is having a place for everything. In order to do this, you can start by always putting your keys in the same spot every time; hang them up or put them in a basket once you walk through the door.
Pick a time and stick to it. Organizing is a practice, not a project, so it requires maintenance. Have one night of the week or perhaps certain hours set aside each weekend where you and the family put items back into their places. This helps keep the whole house tidy and straight on a regularly scheduled basis.
Don't keep things out of guilt or obligation. You are not required to keep things that people have given to you out of obligation. Especially if they cause you stress or angst because they create clutter. Thank the person who gifted you the item and then send it on its way.
Edit ruthlessly. The space in your home is prime real estate, so realize that you are paying per square foot, for every item you house. This will put some of your 'junk' into perspective.
Make it pretty. Make it fun. Label everything you possibly can. Decide what needs organizing before buying containers of any kind. Try to donate instead of putting more into our landfill.
Ask yourself: Do you need it? Do you use it? Do you love it? Do you have room to store it?
I leave you with this startling statement:
"The average person spends one year of their lives looking for lost or misplaced items!" #getorganized #organizationtips #realestate #localrealtor #listings #daynasellshomes #daynawilsonrealestateteam #seniorsrealestate #kellerwilliamsrealty